1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. | 7 | |
1.1 | How This Manual Is Organized ................................................... | 7 |
1.2 | Item Checklist .............................................................................. | 7 |
2. FEATURES ........................................................................................ | 8 | |
2.1 | ASUS | 8 |
| 2.1.1 Specifications ..................................................................... | 8 |
| 2.1.2 Performance ...................................................................... | 10 |
| 2.1.3 Intelligence ....................................................................... | 11 |
2.2 | Motherboard Components .......................................................... | 12 |
| 2.2.1 Component Locations ....................................................... | 13 |
3. HARDWARE SETUP ...................................................................... | 14 | |
3.1 | Motherboard Layout .................................................................. | 14 |
3.2 | Layout Contents ......................................................................... | 15 |
3.3 | Hardware Setup Procedure ......................................................... | 16 |
3.4 | Motherboard Settings ................................................................. | 16 |
3.5 | System Memory ......................................................................... | 19 |
| 3.5.1 General DIMM Notes ....................................................... | 19 |
| 3.5.2 Memory Installation ......................................................... | 20 |
3.6 | Central Processing Unit (CPU) .................................................. | 21 |
| 3.6.1 CPU Installation ............................................................... | 22 |
3.7 | Expansion Cards ........................................................................ | 23 |
| 3.7.1 Installing an Expansion Card ........................................... | 23 |
| 3.7.2 Assigning IRQs for Expansion Cards .............................. | 24 |
3.8 | Connectors ................................................................................ | 25 |
| 3.8.1 External Connectors ......................................................... | 25 |
| 3.8.2 Internal Connectors .......................................................... | 28 |
3.9 | Starting Up the First Time .......................................................... | 36 |
4. BIOS SETUP ..................................................................................... | 37 | |
4.1 | Managing and Updating Your BIOS .......................................... | 37 |
| 4.1.1 Upon First Use of the Computer System .......................... | 37 |
| 4.1.2 Updating BIOS Procedures .............................................. | 39 |
4.2 | BIOS Setup Program .................................................................. | 41 |
| 4.2.1 BIOS Menu Bar ................................................................ | 42 |
| 4.2.2 Legend Bar ....................................................................... | 42 |
4 | ASUS |