4 Chapter

File Transfer

File Transfer allows you to sync and share files between your PCs and smart devices with just a click in public-to-private networks.

Transferring files from computer to smart device

To transfer files from computer to smart device:

1.Click or tap File Transfer .

2.Click or tap Setting to select the destination for your transferred files.

3.Right-click the file then select Send to > [Device Name].

4.After the file transfer is complete, click or tap OK.

• To receive files on your iOS device, go to Settings > Privacy > Photos then turn on the Wi-Fi GO! & NFC Remote.

Find your transferred files from <SD Card>\Wi-Fi GO! for Android devices and Camera roll for iOS devices.

Transferring files from smart device to computer

To transfer files from smart device to computer:

1.Tap File Transfer > Enter.

2.Tick the files that you want to send to your computer, then tap Send.

Find your transferred files from X:\Users\Documents\ASUS HomeCloud\Wi-Fi GO!\File Transfer\ or click Setting to select a new storage location.


Chapter 4: Software support