3.Next the system prompts the user with the available command line options to load the driver. A description of each option appears in the box at the bottom of the installation screen. A more detailed description is given in the section titled Command Line Options. Modify any option values as needed.

4.Load a separate instance of the driver for every LSI Logic controller SCSI channel or host adapter present in the system.

5.When prompted for a slot number, accept the slot numbers displayed. Make sure to write these slot numbers down for later use.

6.When asked to edit the STARTUP.NCF file, make sure the LSIMPTNW.HAM is loaded once per LSI Logic controller SCSI channel. Add the statement SLOT=<slot number> to each load line in the STARTUP.NCF, specifying the slot numbers written down in Step 5 above, with only one slot number per load instance. The HAM driver(s) are loaded for each LSI Logic controller SCSI channel from the first LOAD statement to the last LOAD statement.


Chapter 5: Driver installation