7.To activate the new kernel, you must reboot the system. At the command prompt, type:


Press Enter.

C2. Adding a SCSI Disk Drive

NOTE: If you are not adding a SCSI or Fibre Channel disk drive to this system, go to step 4.

1.At the command prompt, type:

mkdev hd

Press Enter.

2.The system prompts for the identifier of the host adapter that supports this device. If the default is correct, press Enter. If the default is not correct, type:


Press Enter.

3.The system prompts for the host adapter that supports the disk drive. Type the correct host adapter number and press Enter.

If an additional LSI Logic host adapter is being added to the SCO

UNIX kernel, the system may prompt if you want to update the link-kit (add another host adapter). Type y and press Enter. If you entered the host adapter number incorrectly, type n, and press Enter. The system then prompts for the host adapter identifier of the preceding step.

4.With SCO OpenServer 5.0.6a, the system prompts for the bus number of the disk drive. Since LSI Logic host adapters support one bus per adapter, press Enter to get the default of zero, or type 0 (zero) and press Enter.

5.The system prompts for the target ID of the disk drive. Type the ID number of the disk drive and press Enter.

6.The system prompts for the Logical Unit Number (LUN) of the disk drive. Type the desired LUN and press Enter, or press Enter for the default value of zero.

ASUS PR-DLS533 motherboard user guide
