2.4.2 Installing the CPU

Note in the illustration that the CPU has a gold triangular mark on one corner. This mark indicates the processor Pin 1 that should match a specific corner of the CPU socket.

Incorrect installation of the CPU into the socket may bend the pins and severely damage the CPU!

CPU Socket 1 (outer socket)

CPU Socket 2 (inner socket)

1. The motherboard supports either one or two CPUs. If you are installing only one CPU, you MUST install it in CPU socket 1.

2. If you are installing two CPUs, install in the CPU socket 2 first.

CPU onboard LED

This warning LED (LED1) lights up if you installed two CPUs of different type/voltage. You must install identical CPUs on this motherboard.




CPU Type/Voltage

CPU Type/Voltage

not identical



PR-DLS533 Onboard LED


Chapter 2: Hardware information