Conventions The following typographical conventions are used throughout this manual:
MBullet lists provide information, but not procedural steps.
1. Numbered lists represent procedures with sequential steps. An indented typeface like the one below:
Key information in
indicates words and characters you key in. Unless otherwise mentioned, you can use either upper or lower case.
The names of the keys you should press are placed inside of square brackets, and appear just as they do on the keyboard (for example, [Alt], [Enter], [Esc]). Don’t type the brackets or anything that appears inside of them, just press the key. For example, if a procedure tells you to type:
Install [Enter]
You should type the word Install in either upper or lower case, then press the Enter key.
If you need to hold down one key and, while you are holding it down, press another key, the keys appear in square brackets with a dash between them. For example,
If you are asked to Choose or Select an item listed on a menu, Click it with the mouse. An alternate shortcut method is to press the appropriate accelerator key combination indicated on the menu.