

Possible Cause





Erratic Behavior

Unit not receiving

Use a DC 5V power adapter if you are


enough power

not already using one. If you are



already using a power adapter, check



that it matches the system



specifications (DC 5V) and that it is



plugged in and functioning properly.




Keyboard and/or

Keyboard and/or

Press and hold port selection switches

Mouse not

Mouse need to be

1 & 2 for two seconds.




Unplug the cable(s) from the console





port(s), then plug it/them back in.





No connection to the

Check the cable from the switch to the



computer to make sure it is properly








KVM switch needs to

Power off all devices on the


be reset.

installation (see the second note at the



top of page 9); power off the KVM



switch; wait five seconds; then power







The OSD doesn’t

Bootup focus

The port that the Sun Blade 2000 or

display on my Sun


Sun V880 resides on must be selected

Blade 2000 or Sun


when the computer is booted –



otherwise the OSD doesn’t display it



when you invoke it with the hotkeys.




Cannot enter the

Port OS setting

The Dell DL380 needs to be set as a

BIOS setup program


Sun computer (see SET PORT OS,

with my Dell DL380.


page 31), in order to access the BIOS



setup program. Change the Port OS



and reboot.



Note: After you have finished with the



BIOS setup program, set the Port OS



back to its normal value.