Chapter 5. Hotkey Operation

Hotkey Summary Table

[Num Lock] + [-]

[A] [Enter]

Invokes Auto Scan mode.



When Auto Scan mode is in effect, [P] or

[Ctrl] + [F12]

[Q] [Enter]

left-click pauses auto scanning.





When auto scanning is paused, pressing



any key or another left-click resumes auto









Toggles the beeper on or off.





[Esc] or [Spacebar]

Exits hotkey mode.






Set Operating System to Windows






Set Operating System to Mac






Set Operating System to Sun






Performs a keyboard / mouse reset on the



target computer.






Toggles the Quick Hotkey invocation keys



between [Ctrl] + [F12] and [Num Lock] + [-].





[R] [Enter]

This administrator only hotkey restores the



switch’s default values. See RESTORE








[SN][PN] [Enter]

Switches access to the computer that



corresponds to that port ID.






Toggles the OSD Hotkey between [Ctrl]



[Ctrl] and [Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock].






Invokes Skip mode and skips from the



current port to the first accessible port



previous to it.






Invokes Skip mode and skips from the



current port to the next accessible port.






Invokes Skip mode and skips from the



current port to the last accessible port of the



previous station.






Invokes Skip mode and skips from the



current port to the first accessible port of the



next station.