PN9108 User Manual
About This Manual
This User Manual is provided to help you get the most from your PN9108 system. It covers all aspects of installation, configuration and operation. An overview of the information found in the manual is provided below.
Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces you to the PN9108 system. Its purpose, features and benefits are presented, and its front and back panel components are described.
Chapter 2, Hardware Setup, provides
Chapter 3, Browser Operation, details the concepts and procedures involved in the browser operation of your PN9108 installation.
Chapter 4, Administration, explains the administrative procedures that are employed to configure the PN9108's working environment.
Chapter 5, Safe Shutdown and Reboot, shows you how to safely close a system down and reboot your devices without involving the danger to the file systems that simply killing the power supply does.
Chapter 6, Out of Band Operation, explains alternative methods to access the in PN9108 case the LAN that it resides on goes down, or it cannot be accessed with the usual browser based method for some reason.
Chapter 7, Upgrading The Firmware, explains how to upgrade the PN9108's firmware with the latest available versions.
An Appendix, provides specifications and other technical information regarding the PN9108.