It i s possibile to continue to follow step. If it show you follow message:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Check that LAN LED is lit (change CAT cable if is not). Check PC IP Address typing winipcfg for (Win95,98,ME) or ipconfig (for Win2000,XP) and eventually re-install TCP/IP stack.

3.4 Browser Configuration

Now open IE, go to Instruments menu, select the Connections tab and select one of the following options:

Never use remote connection

Use remote connection if another network connection isn’t available

4.Configuration with utility

4.1 WebShare Configuration Utility

WebShare 111U has provided with an easy installation utility in order to make installation more easy and simple.

To start the configuration utility, please follow these instructions:

1.Insert the CD-ROM and the Auto-run program will appear. Altenatively, you may need to proceed the software manually; go to your Windows Start

menu and choose Run, type “<CDROM>:\A02- RA111U\Utility\UTILITY.EXE” in dialog box and click OK.

D:\ will depends on where the CD-ROM drive is located and <Windows OS> will depend on the Windows OS you are using.