Wireless Broadband Router

local area networks (WLANs), 802.11g offers wireless transmission over relatively short distances at up to 54 megabits per second (Mbps) compared with the 11 megabits per second of the 802.11b(Wi-Fi) standard. Like 802.11b, 802.11g operates in the 2.4 GHz range and is thus compatible with it.

Question What is WDS?

Answer WDS (Wireless Distribution System) is a technology that allow at a pair of Wireless Multi-Function APs operating under Bridge mode to act as the bridge that connect two Ethernet networks or Ethernet enabled clients together. Repeat Mode is able to extend the effective range and coverage of the wireless network.

Question Why 2 AP trasmitting on different channel making interferences?

Answer Every channel occupies about 22Mhz; being ISM band made of 80 Mhz, you can utilize only 3 channel without overlap.

We suggest to set AP with 5 channel interval between 2 AP utilized. (ex. AP1-channel 1, AP2-channel6).

Interferences are making when 2 or more channels overlap themselves.

Follow pictures explain this:

Question Does IEEE802.11b clients works properly with AP


Answer It is possible to use IEEE802.11b clients with IEEE802.11g Access Point.

Performance will be reducing to 11Mbps to guarantee full compatibility with IEEE802.11b.


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