Audio Analogue SRL Cento VT owner manual Front Panel, Descrizione DEL Pannello Frontale

Models: Cento VT

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1)POWER. Turns the unit on/off.

2)SELECT. Input selector. It allows selecting the desired source. One of the green leds on its right indicates the selected source.

3)PH/1,2,3,4,5. Green leds that indicate the selected input. A fix light indicates the selected source and the normal operative status of the unit, while a blinking light indicates that the unit is in the mute mode.

4)VOLUME knob. It rotates just for a few degrees because it operates on an interrupter. Do not force the knob. A slight clockwise rotation increases the volume, an anti-clockwise rotation decreases it. Attenuation level is shown by leds.

5)Volume leds. Sixteen green leds around the volume knob progressively indicate the volume level.

6)IR receiver

1)POWER. Pulsante di accensione e spegnimento dell’apparecchio.

2)SELECT. Selettore ingressi. Permette di selezionare la sorgente da ascoltare visualizzandola tramite l’accensione di uno dei cinque led verdi posti alla sua destra.

3)PH/1,2,3,4,5. Led verdi per l’indicazione dell’ingresso selezionato. La luce fissa indica la sorgente selezionata e il funzionamento dell’apparecchio in modalità normale, mentre la luce lampeggiante indica che è stato attivato il muting.

4)Manopola del volume. Essa ruota soltanto di pochi gradi perchè agisce su un interruttore e non deve quindi essere forzata. Una lieve rotazione in senso orario determina l’aumento di volume, quella in senso antiorario la sua diminuzione. Il livello di attenuazione viene visualizzato dal numero di led accesi intorno ad essa.

5)Led per l’indicazione del volume. Sedici led verdi posti attorno alla manopola del volume si accendono in quantità proporzionale al livello di volume impostato.

6)Ricevitore IR.

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Audio Analogue SRL Cento VT owner manual Front Panel, Descrizione DEL Pannello Frontale

Cento VT specifications

Audio Analogue has long been recognized for its commitment to delivering high-quality audio equipment, and the Cento VT is no exception. This integrated amplifier stands out as a testament to the brand's dedication to musicality, craftsmanship, and innovative technology.

At the heart of the Cento VT is a robust power amplifier section that is capable of delivering 130 watts per channel into 8 ohms, ensuring ample power for driving a wide range of speakers. The amplifier employs the latest Class A/B technology, allowing it to achieve exceptional audio performance with low distortion and excellent dynamic range. This means that whether you are listening to delicate acoustic passages or full orchestral works, the Cento VT can reproduce every detail with clarity and precision.

One of the key features of the Cento VT is its built-in digital-to-analog converter (DAC). This DAC supports high-resolution audio formats, including PCM up to 24-bit/192 kHz, making it ideal for those who enjoy streaming high-quality digital music. The inclusion of this technology allows users to connect various digital sources, such as computers or network players, simply and effectively, ensuring that the sound quality remains uncompromised.

Additionally, the Cento VT boasts a high-quality phono stage, accommodating both moving magnet (MM) and moving coil (MC) cartridges. This versatility makes it an excellent choice for vinyl enthusiasts, allowing them to enjoy their favorite records with the fidelity they deserve. The phono stage is designed to provide an optimal listening experience, imparting warmth and depth to vinyl playback.

The user-friendly interface of the Cento VT ensures that navigating its features is a seamless experience. The amplifier comes equipped with a remote control, allowing for easy adjustments from the comfort of your seat. Users will appreciate the clarity of the informational display, which provides essential feedback on settings and inputs.

In terms of build quality, the Cento VT boasts a sleek and sophisticated design that is typical of Audio Analogue products. The chassis is constructed from high-quality materials, providing durability while minimizing resonances that can adversely affect sound quality.

In conclusion, the Audio Analogue SRL Cento VT is a remarkable integrated amplifier that combines modern technology with traditional audiophile values. With its powerful amplification, high-quality DAC, versatile phono stage, and elegant design, it is an ideal choice for anyone seeking to enhance their listening experience. Whether for digital or analog sources, the Cento VT promises an engaging and immersive audio journey.