Audio Analogue SRL Apertura E Ispezione DELL’IMBALLO, Collegamento DEL Primo Cento VT

Models: Cento VT

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Carefully open the package to avoid damaging the content. The package should contain:

1 Primo Cento VT

1 remote controller

2 AAA batteries

The present instruction manual

If one of the items listed above is missing, please contact your Audio Analogue retailer. After extracting the smallest items from the package, pull out the unit carefully. Separate the package from the anti-shock expanded-foam protections. If batteries are not already placed in the remote controller battery slot, open the slot, insert batteries according to the indicated polarity, then close the battery slot.


Aprire la scatola di cartone con cautela per non danneggiare il contenuto. L’imballo deve contenere:

Un Primo Cento VT

Un telecomando

Due batterie AAA

Questo manuale

Se qualcuno degli oggetti sopra elencati dovesse mancare, contattate il Vostro rivenditore Audio Analogue di fiducia. Dopo avere estratto le parti di minori dimensioni, estrarre con cautela l’apparecchio dall’imballo. Separare l’imballo dalle imbottiture antiurto in schiuma espansa. Se le batterie non si trovano già all’interno del telecomando, aprire il coperchio del vano portapile del telecomando ed inserirle nelle posizioni corrette; quindi chiudere il coperchio del vano portapile.


Primo Cento VT is a complex unit that may generate a large quantity of heat. Please locate the unit in a well-ventilated place. In particular, you should leave at least 5cm around and above the unit and avoid placing it close to heat sources (radiators, heaters, amplifiers, television sets).


Il Primo Cento VT è un apparecchio che può generare calore in misura non trascurabile. Per questo motivo è consigliabile posizionarlo laddove sia garantita una corretta circolazione d’aria. In particolare, è opportuno garantire uno spazio sufficiente attorno e sopra l’apparecchio (almeno 5cm), ed evitare posizionamenti vicino a fonti di calore (termosifoni o stufe, amplificatori di potenza, televisori).


Before connecting Primo Cento VT to a source, please be sure that they’re both unplugged from wall outlets. First of all, connect the sources outputs to the Primo Cento VT inputs. If present, connect recorder in to Primo Cento VT tape out. Please use only high-quality interconnect cable with gold plated connectors.

As the second step connect Primo Cento VT outputs to the speakers inputs. At last, plug the Primo Cento VT power cord into the wall outlet.


Prima di collegare il Primo Cento VT alle sorgenti, verificare che tutti gli apparecchi siano scollegati dalla rete elettrica. Per prima cosa, collegare le uscite delle sorgenti audio agli ingressi del Primo Cento VT. Collegare l’ingresso del registratore (se lo si possiede) all’uscita tape del Primo Cento VT. Utilizzare possibilmente cavi della migliore qualità, terminati con connettori dorati.

Quindi, collegare le uscite del Primo Cento VT ai diffusori.

Infine, collegare la spina del cavo di alimentazione ad una presa di rete.

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Audio Analogue SRL owner manual Apertura E Ispezione DELL’IMBALLO, Scelta DEL Luogo in CUI Posizionare IL Primo Cento VT

Cento VT specifications

Audio Analogue has long been recognized for its commitment to delivering high-quality audio equipment, and the Cento VT is no exception. This integrated amplifier stands out as a testament to the brand's dedication to musicality, craftsmanship, and innovative technology.

At the heart of the Cento VT is a robust power amplifier section that is capable of delivering 130 watts per channel into 8 ohms, ensuring ample power for driving a wide range of speakers. The amplifier employs the latest Class A/B technology, allowing it to achieve exceptional audio performance with low distortion and excellent dynamic range. This means that whether you are listening to delicate acoustic passages or full orchestral works, the Cento VT can reproduce every detail with clarity and precision.

One of the key features of the Cento VT is its built-in digital-to-analog converter (DAC). This DAC supports high-resolution audio formats, including PCM up to 24-bit/192 kHz, making it ideal for those who enjoy streaming high-quality digital music. The inclusion of this technology allows users to connect various digital sources, such as computers or network players, simply and effectively, ensuring that the sound quality remains uncompromised.

Additionally, the Cento VT boasts a high-quality phono stage, accommodating both moving magnet (MM) and moving coil (MC) cartridges. This versatility makes it an excellent choice for vinyl enthusiasts, allowing them to enjoy their favorite records with the fidelity they deserve. The phono stage is designed to provide an optimal listening experience, imparting warmth and depth to vinyl playback.

The user-friendly interface of the Cento VT ensures that navigating its features is a seamless experience. The amplifier comes equipped with a remote control, allowing for easy adjustments from the comfort of your seat. Users will appreciate the clarity of the informational display, which provides essential feedback on settings and inputs.

In terms of build quality, the Cento VT boasts a sleek and sophisticated design that is typical of Audio Analogue products. The chassis is constructed from high-quality materials, providing durability while minimizing resonances that can adversely affect sound quality.

In conclusion, the Audio Analogue SRL Cento VT is a remarkable integrated amplifier that combines modern technology with traditional audiophile values. With its powerful amplification, high-quality DAC, versatile phono stage, and elegant design, it is an ideal choice for anyone seeking to enhance their listening experience. Whether for digital or analog sources, the Cento VT promises an engaging and immersive audio journey.