Fast Track Ultra 8R | User Guide |
Input Channels
The first eight channels on each of the Monitor pages correspond to the eight analog inputs. Inputs 7 and 8 are switchable between the analog inputs and the S/PDIF digital inputs, via the Sync Source
Each channel provides the following:
<Level meter – monitors the channel’s input level
<Pan control – sets the position of the signal within the left and right output channel pair
<Solo button – solos that channel’s output signal in the output channels
<Mute button – mutes that channel’s output signal to the output channels
<Link button – links a pair of channels together. When the Link button is active, changes made to one channel affect the adjacent (linked) channel as well.
<Level fader – controls the level of that channel’s signal sent to the output channels.
<Send control – controls the level of that channel’s signal sent to the internal DSP effects.
NOTE: Only Monitor outputs 1/2, and 3/4 and can utilize the Fast Track Ultra 8R’s internal DSP. Therefore the Monitor mixer tabs for outputs 5/6 and 7/8 do not provide Send controls.
➜IMPORTANT: Note that changes made to the monitoring mix are completely independent from, and do not affect signals being recorded to your DAW.
Output Channels
The right side of each Monitor tab provides level meters and faders for its corresponding stereo pair of outputs. Each Monitor tab’s output faders control the output level sent to that pair of hardware outputs.
The Monitor tabs correspond to each pair of hardware Line outputs 19 . Monitor outputs 7 and 8 are duplicated at the analog Line Outputs 19 and the S/PDIF digital output 18 .
Between the sixteen channel inputs and the two channel outputs is a Bypass button. Activating this button will bypass the internal DSP effects, allowing you to monitor the signal without effects.
NOTE: Only Monitor outputs 1/2 and 3/4 can utilize the Fast Track Ultra 8R’s internal DSP. Therefore the Monitor mixer tabs for outputs 5/6 and 7/8 do not provide Bypass buttons.