The TV won’t turn on
Poor picture
-Charge the battery.
-Check that the AC power cord is conncted.
-Test the outlet by plugging in another appliance.
-Connect to another power outlet.
-Adjust the antenna.
-Move to a window (if inside a structure).
-Use an external antenna.
-Move your portable TV away from other appliances that cause interference.
-Make sure the TV and connected antenna are in a fixed position and not used within a moving vehicle.
-To choose the best antenna for your location visit the web site: www.antennaweb.org, click on “choose an antenna”, then enter in your information and click “Submit”. This site will show you what stations are avail- able in your area, how far away they are, and recommend type of antenna that is necessary to pick up the stations in your area. You may also click on “View Street Level Map”. A map will then be displayed showing the directions the various channels are located. You can then use this informa- tion to select the correct antenna for your area and also will know which way to point your external outside antenna (not the supplied magnetic mount antenna) to pick up the channel(s). The further away from the station that you are, the weaker the signal will be, so a stronger antenna will be necessary to pick to the station.
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