Additional phone features
Using Virtual Office on your Remote IP Deskphone
Because the display characteristics, including size, vary from one IP
Deskphone model to the next, your Office Avaya1120E IP Deskphone
display is different on each Remote phone. Figure26 shows an
Avaya 1120EIP Deskphone logged in as a Remote phone to an
Avaya 1120EIP Deskphone Office phone. All the features appear as they
do on your Office Avaya 1120EIP Deskphone.
Figure 26: Logged in to an Avaya 1120E IP Deskphone
Figure 27 shows an Avaya 1140E IP Deskphone logged in as a Remote
phone to an Avaya 1120EIP Deskphone Office phone. Fewer display
lines are available on the Avaya 1120EIP Deskphone, so the display
provides less information.