30CCM840/1640 Installer/User Guide

For more information, see Show User command in Chapter 5.

Access rights and levels

Most CCM commands require the user to have access rights to use the commands. The access rights for each CCM command are listed in Chapter 4. The following table describes the access rights a user may be given.

Access Rights

Access Right



The Port Configuration access right should be given to users who


must modify port settings. Grant PCON access rights only to users


who need to issue the Port Set command.




The Server Configuration access right should be given to users


who must change the CCM configurations, including setting the


IP address and updating the CCM program load in FLASH. Grant


SCON access only to users who need to administer the CCM.




The Server Monitor access right should be given to users who need


to view CCM status and monitor serial port activity. Grant SMON


access only to users who need to assist other users in accessing


attached serial devices.




The User access right should be given to users who need to modify


the user database. Grant USER access only to users who must add,


change or delete user accounts. At least one user must have USER


access rights; otherwise, the user database cannot be changed.




The Break access right allows users to send a serial break sequence


to the attached serial device. On certain devices, this sequence has


a special meaning. Grant BREAK access only to users who need to


use the Port Break command.

PThe Port access right gives users access to one or more serial ports. This confers the right to access that serial port and connect to the attached serial device. You may grant Port access rights to specific ports (Pn), a range of ports (Px-y) or all ports (PALL).

The Admin user is preconfigured in the user database with all access rights.

Access levels

When you specify a user’s access rights, you may either specify the individual rights or you may use a shortcut that specifies an access level. The APPLIANCEADMIN and ADMIN levels (which are used in AVWorks in lieu of individual specifications other than port access rights) are equivalent to the following individual specifications:

The APPLIANCEADMIN level is equivalent to PALL, USER, SCON, SMON, PCON and BREAK.

The ADMIN level is equivalent to PALL, USER, SMON, PCON and BREAK.