Chapter 3: Operations | 35 |
Command | Description |
Bottom | B sets the view location to the bottom of the file minus 23 history |
| display lines, if available. |
Clear | C clears the port history buffer. |
Next | N increments the current history display line by the number of lines |
| per page and outputs a new history display page. |
Prev | P decrements the current history display line by the number of lines |
| per page and outputs a new history display page. |
Quit | Q returns to the normal CLI. |
Resume | R leaves port history mode and CLI mode and resumes the session |
| with the attached serial device. This single command is equivalent to |
| sequentially using the Quit and Resume commands. |
Search | S searches the port history buffer for a specified text string. Search |
| strings with embedded spaces must be enclosed in quotes. |
| By default, the search is case sensitive. To ignore case, enter |
| the string. To specify direction, type |
| line toward the top of the buffer or |
| line toward the bottom of the buffer. The search direction remains in |
| effect for subsequent searches until you change the search direction. |
| If the string is found, the current history display line is set to the line |
| containing the string, and the CCM outputs a history display page. If the |
| string is not found, an error message is displayed, no other information |
| is output and the current history display line is not changed. |
| Entering the Search command with no parameters searches again |
| for the previous string in the same direction as the previous search. |
Top | T sets the current history display line to one and outputs a history |
| display page. |
The following examples assume the user is in port history mode.
The following command searches the history buffer in the upward direction for the string Abort Process.
The following command searches the history buffer for the string Process, ignoring case.
For more information, see Server CLI command and Port History command in Chapter 5.