Chapter 5: CCM Commands




Chapter 5: CCM Commands

Connect Command

The Connect command establishes a connection from the CCM serial CLI port to a device attached to another port on that CCM. If the specified port is already in use, you will receive an error message. To use this command, you must have previously issued a Server CLI command with the Connect=On parameter. For more information, see Connecting to Serial Devices in Chapter 3.

Access right: port-specific

Access level: ADMIN, APPLIANCEADMIN or others with access to port


CONNECT <port>

Connect Command Parameter

Parameter Description


Port number in range 1-8 for a CCM840 or 1-16 for a CCM1640.


The following command establishes a connection from the serial CLI port to port 6.

> connect 6

Disconnect Command

The Disconnect command terminates a session with a serial device that was previously initiated with a Connect command. This command frees the attached serial device and allows other users to access it.

Access right: port-specific

Access level: ADMIN, APPLIANCEADMIN or others with access to port



Help Command

The Help command displays information about CCM commands.

Access right: none needed

Access level: none needed


HELP [<command_name>]