3. Gettin g Started
The system is now powered on.
Toput the Base Unit in standby mode or awake it
1. Push the standby button shortly.
Refer to image 3-2.
Note: Ifyou plug in a Button into your laptop and connect to it, the Base Unit automatically wakes up from standby (enable its
display output).
Ifno Buttons have been connected to it for some time, the Base Unit can automatically enter standby mode.
To shut down the Base Unit
The BaseU nitcan be shut down in two ways :
1. Push the standby button until the Base Unit shuts down.
Refer to image 3-2.
2. Set the rocker switch at the back of the Base Unit to “0”.
Refer to image 3-1.
3.2 Basic UseBasic functionality
Whenentering a me etingr oom equipped with ClickShare and if the display is not in power saving mode, the ClickShare wallpaper
isshown on the display. The contentof the wallpaper depends on the setup.
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