3. Gettin g Started
1 user
2 users
3 users
4 users
1 2
12 34
Positionon Dual screen
Onedisplay must suppor tD isplayP ort, otherwisean adapterpiece from display port to DVI m ustbe used.
For a single display 2560x1080 Panoramic setup
4 users panoramic setup2 users panoramic setup
1 user panoramic setup
21 3412
ForPanoramic projectors which require Dual Link DVIin, use the Barco kit B5606021 to convertDisplayPort into Dual Link DVI.
Ifyou are th e fifthu serwh o wants to share his screen, you are blocked. A message appears on your screen telling you the maximum
numberof users being displayed simultaneously has been reached. Youcan decide to wait until one of the four users removes his
contentfrom the display or you can decide to show your content full screen. In that case, the four screens that were being displayed
arere moved and your screen is displayed full screen.
Toshow your content on the display full screen
1. Click and hold the Button for 2 seconds.
16 R5900001 CLICKSHARE 21/11/2013