3. Gettin g Started
Connection via Apple TV
Asper the above but connect the ClickShare Link input to the Apple TV instead of the iOS device.
1. Connectto the appropriate network and start sharing by enabling AirPlay mirroring. Formore information on how to setup, consult
the iOS device’s user guide.
Note: Alwaysuse A irPlaym irroring. Streaming is not supported.
3.5 User InterfaceUser Interface functionality
Afterlaunching the client, the ClickShare icon appears in the system tray.
ClickShare context menu
Thec ontentof the context menu is related to the operating system.
1. Right-click the ClickShare icon in the system tray.
The context menu appears.
2. From the list, click the action you want to perform.
Click To Result
Startshar ing toshow your screen on the display. TheLEDs of your Button become red.
Show me fullscreen tobring the content of your screen on
thedisplay full screen.
The screens of other users that were
shownon the display disappear.
Capturem ode tochoose to capture video with more
(slower performance) or less detail
Tunevideo performance and quality
Shareddesktop (only for Windows7 and
toselect primary or extended desktop Dependingon the selection the primary
orthe extended display is displayed.
AboutClickShare Client to find out the ClickShare software
Hereyou can find more information on
theClickShare software version.
Exit toclose ClickShare. The ClickShare icon disappears from
the system tray and theLE Ds ofthe
Buttonstart blinking white.
3.6 Capture modeOnly for Windows XP and Windows 7.
About capture mode
ClickShareis optimized for optimum video performance. Uponstarting the client software it will disable Win7 Aero Glass to maximize
videoperformance. Upon quitting the ClickShare applications your Aero Glass settings willbe restored.
Transparentalpha layers on WinXP and Win7 are by default not captured. Therefore some windows may not be shown or may
appeardifferent on screen. For example content of video players using overlays will not be shown.
With "Capture More" selected, Win7 Aero Glass settings willbe restored and capturing of alpha layers is enabled. In this mode,
videothroughput may decrease a bit and more details will be captured.
Defaultsetting: Not checked.
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