Problem Cause Solution
Noautomatic refresh of drives. Refreshthe view on your laptop.
Badconnection at USB port on laptop.
• Reconnectto the U SB port.
• Tryanother USB port.
• Rebooty our laptop.
Afterinserting the Button into your laptop,
youcannot find the ClickShare drive.
Windows triesto assign the ClickShare
driveto an already reserved drive letter
Use Microsoft Windows Disk
Management to assign it to a free
drive letter.
Some programs of Windows are not
shown on thedisplay.
Use of overlays, 3D or hardware
accelerationin the G PU. • Disable overlays or hardware
accelerationin the GPU.
• DisableAeroGlass in W indows 7
• Capturem ode
28 R5900001 CLICKSHARE 21/11/2013