3. Getting Started
The ClickSharec lientsoftware starts and its icon appears in the system tray.
On a Windows computer:
On a Macintosh:
When the system is ready for use, a message appears close to the systray icon.
The LEDs of the Button are staticwhite.
5. To share your screen on the display, click the Button.
The LEDs of the Button become static red and your screen appears on the display. When audio is enabled on the ClickShare
Base Unit, the audio of your laptopis also available on the audio output of the Base Unit and it will be played via the meeting
room audio system. The icon return to the same state as in step 4.
Inthe system tray, the ClickShare icon starts rotating. On W indows computers the icon changes into .
Thename ofthe user logged on to the laptop which is sharing its content is briey shown in the bottom left corner of the added
ClickShareautomatically scales the content of your screen to the resolution of the meeting room display. The aspect ratio of your
screen ism aintainedto mak e surethe proportions are correct.
6. To remove your content from the display, click the Button again.
The LEDs of the Button become staticwhite.
7. When leaving the meeting room, unplug the Button from your laptop and put it back in the Tray.
No trace of the ClickShareapplication is left on your laptop.
3.3 Advanced Use

Advanced functionality

ClickSharecan show the content of up to four wireless sources or three wireless sources and one ClickShare Link (for an iPad) on
themeeting room display(s) at the same time. Awireless source is a ClickS hareB utton,or eitheran iPad or android device sharing
viathe ClickShare app. This means by clicking their Button, clicking the virtual button in the ClickShare app or connecting an iOS
device through the ClickShare Link, fourperson sin the meeting room can display their screens simultaneously. They appear as
For a meeting room with asingle display:

1 user


2 users


3 users


4 users

Positionon single display
For a meeting room with a dualdisplay:
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