8.Start a telnet session on the mobile station to the Aironet Access Point. Depending on the system in use, the telnet application may have logging and note taking capability. If so, enable these modes.
9.Navigate through the Aironet Access Point menu to the link test option. See the appropriate Access Point Technical Reference Manual for more infor- mation.
10.Set up the test options to accurately model the system.
11.Set the test for continuous operation with a 1 second delay.
12.Begin traversing the area around the Aironet Access Point to determine its coverage. If logging and notes are not possible with the telnet applica- tion, maintain a manual log.
The telnet session packets are interspersed with test packets which may have the effect of increasing the round trip time for some frames. The link test will show progress changes as the test is being conducted.
The first time delivery success rate for the packet may not be important for transaction based systems and can result in a slightly larger range. Using longer packets can provide some degree of safety margin in the range estimate.
NOTE: Roundtrip time will be effected by the telnet session maintenance.