16 in / 16 out
If you don’t actually need more than 16 concurrent input and output tracks to be exchanged between the console and your PC, then this mode might be more appropriate for you. First, it will slow the required bandwidth on the interface down. Second, there will be no excessive I/O tracks in your DAW configuration that might clutter your setup. Third, it allows you to run a
32 in / 8 out
This mode is tailored to suit a typical studio and overdub recording situation, with many input channels but only a few output channels for monitoring of previously recorded takes.
8 in / 8 out and 2 in / 2 out
For very small recording sessions or overdubs with single sources like vocals, reducing the channel I/O frees up more processing power and ensures stable operation with small latency settings.
8 in / 32 out
This is a useful mode for utilizing the excellent audio engine and effects processing of the console during final mixdown of your project. All 32 tracks would be fed from your DAW into the console where all the magic happens. Then only