16 / EN Washer-Dryer
3.4 Undercounter use
59,5 cm
84,0 cm
1,4 cm
86 cm
60 cm
65,5 cm
20 cm
15 cm
20 cm
15 cm
60 cm
¾Your machine should never be operated without the top plate.
¾When the Washer-Dryer is placed under-counter, front of the machine
should never be blocked by a cupboard door.
¾When the Washer-Dryer is placed under-counter, air vents must be cut out
into the left and right sides of the cupboard.
¾Follow the above dimensions when installing the product under-counter. These
dimensions are critical to prevent any change in the performance of your machine.
¾Drying washing machine can be used under a bench if the height of the bench allows.
¾At least 3 cm clearance must be left between the sides and the back of the product and
the wall when it is installed under-counter.