1.Inspect the worm gear camshaft splines for damage. If damaged, replace the ASA-5®slack adjuster.

2.Clean and inspect the yoke pin and link pin holes in the yoke, adjuster link and slack adjuster body. The holes should be visually round with no perceptible “egg shaping.” A new yoke pin and link pin can be used to make this inspection. If this condition is noted, the affected part must be replaced.

3.Clean out the retaining ring grooves in the yoke.


1.If the ASA-5®slack adjuster uses a yoke pin bushing, press it into the slack adjuster arm.

2.Depending on environmental conditions an application of anti-seize compound to both the yoke and link pins may facilitate later removal. Install the yoke and secure it to the ASA-5®slack adjuster body and link using the yoke pin and link pin. Install washers and cotter pins in the yoke pin and link pin, and secure each. Bend each leg of the cotter pins to a minimum of 25 degrees, creating an included angle of at least 50 degrees between the legs.

3.Lubricate the automatic slack adjuster through the lube fi tting with a quality multipurpose chassis lubricant (N.L.G.I. Grade 2). Lubricate the slack adjuster until clean lubricant fl ows from the grease relief opening in the boot.



The Bendix® ASA-5®automatic slack adjuster can replace a manual slack or competitive automatic slack adjuster provided some considerations are kept in mind:

1.Excessive duty cycles, high application pressures and brake force compounding can result in reduced slack adjuster durability.

2.Determine that the AL factor of the vehicle to be retrofi tted is 195 or less. To determine the AL factor multiply the slack adjuster arm length (from the center of the cam spline to the center of the yoke pin hole in use) times the brake chamber size. Example: a type 30 brake chamber connected to a 6 inch arm slack adjuster, A = 30 square inches, L = 6 inches; therefore, 30 x 6 = 180, AL factor.

3.Make sure the foundation brake components are in good condition. Excessive drum out-of roundness will result in excessive lining wear. See the In Service Inspection section contained in this manual.

4.In order to select the proper slack adjuster, choose an ASA-5®slack adjuster with the same arm length, spline size, push rod thread size and offset as the slack adjuster it is replacing.

5.When retrofi tting the Bendix® ASA-5®slack adjuster, make certain to read the instructions packaged with all service replacement ASA-5®slack adjusters.


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BENDIX SD-05-1269 manual Retrofitting the ASA-5SLACK Adjuster, Cleaning and Inspection, Reassembly, Preparation