safety instructions
link 23 Selection Box 38 selection frame
moving 38 serial number 48 servicing 4, 48 signal source 29 choosing 30
Skip Forward 24, 32 Skip Reverse 24, 32 sleep mode 18 sound
adjusting 26 speakers
external 15 specifications 57 static IP 36 Stop 24, 32, 40 stop disc 24 Stylus
using 27 stylus
using 38 Subtitle 25, 32
connecting 9 definition 9
tapping 38 Television 20 television
options menu 29 satellite 9
signal source 8, 29 television channels
changing 31 programming 30
Television Mode
Television Mode buttons 21 Television Options 30
tint 26 Title 24
Touch Screen 27 touchscreen
cleaning 47 using 38
track, go to specific 33 troubleshooting 49 TV channels
changing 31 TV In 8
TV, cable 30
Email 37
Home Page 37
USB ports 15
User Name 36
VCR 43
video games 43 Video Mode 43 Volume
Warnings and Cautions 1 Web page 40
go to 38 home page 22 scroll 22, 40 stop loading 40 view favorites 22 view next 22, 40 view previous 22, 40
Web sites favorite 39
close current 40 open new 40
wired broadband 10 wireless
configuring connection 35 connecting a bridge 12 networking card 12 PCMCIA 12
security 36 static IP 36 WEP key 36
Wireless Settings 35
Zoom 25, 33