The MicroPlus, PnP, and PC Card adapter types are not capable of using memory above one megabyte, so the 16- or
The 5250 Windows Diagnostics can be used in both Windows 3.x and Windows 95/98 systems (not NT). It will aid in determining if your Adapter is functioning properly. Extensive help information can be viewed online by clicking on the Help button followed by the Search option.
To invoke the 5250 Windows Diagnostics from Windows 95/98, click on Start - Programs - 5250 Card - 5250 Diagnostics. From Windows 3.x,
5.7 Uninstall Program for Windows
The Uninstall program will remove the appropriate files in either the Windows 3.x or Windows 95/98 environment. The program will remove all files and programs from the \5250CARD directory in addition to removing the install directory (\5250CARD). The device driver and board information will be removed from the Windows 95/98 registry.
You will be prompted with a dialog box to modify the autoexec.bat and system.ini files in order to remove the 5250 adapter entries.
5.8 5250 DOS Configuration Program
The configuration program is used to select and customize various configuration options for your system. The configuration program does not place the Adapter in an operational state; it simply provides a method of specifying the configuration information. The Adapter is actually enabled by the Enabler program. If system resources have been assigned by Windows 95, then a message will appear indicating the Windows 95/98 Device Manager should be used to modify any configurations rather than this program. The DCFG5250 program will not allow resource modifications if Windows 95/98 has been detected.
Executing the DCFG5250 program in a PnP system will not cause any problems. The program will know that system resources have already been assigned and will not allow you to modify any of the resources in the Hardware Menu.
To run the configuration program, change directories to the directory in which you installed the software, and at the DOS prompt, type: