To move down a page, press the Space key.
To move up a page, press the Shift key + the
Space key.
To stop a web page from loading, press the Escape
To move to a specific web page, press GH.
To move between full-screen mode and normal
mode, press UI.
To close the browser, hold the Escape button.
For these tips to work in Day view, in the calendar
options, set the Enable Quick Entry field to No.
To create an appointment, press CV.
To move to the next day, week, or month, press
the Space key.
To move to the previous day, week, or month,
press the Shift key + the Space key.
To move the cursor horizontally in Week view,
hold the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.
To move the cursor vertically in Month view, hold
the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.
To scroll vertically, hold the Alt key and roll the
To display the result of your calculation, press the
Enter key.