Understanding and testing the locking mechanism function
The Bowflex® SelectTech™ 220 features a locking mechanism designed to assure proper and complete selection of the weight plates as well as to ensure weight plate retention dur- ing the workout. It is important that you fully understand the function of this mechanism and periodically test it to ensure it is properly functioning.
The locking mechanism provides two key functions:
1.The mechanism will only allow the adjustment knobs to be rotated when the dumbbell handle is complete- ly inserted and engaging the dumbbell base.
2.The mechanism is designed to lock the dumbbell handle to the base if either adjustment knob is not fully engaging the selected weight plates.
The locking mechanism serves two important purposes:
1.The mechanism will prevent deselecting (dropping) weight plates from the dumbbell when it is NOT in the dumbbell base.
2.The mechanism will prevent partial selection of the weight plates in which the plates are not fully supported and the locking pin is not fully engaged.
Given the importance of this locking mechanism, it is critical that you understand how it operates and how to periodically test it to make sure it is functioning correctly.
Testing proper locking mechanism function
1.With the dumbbell handle set in the dumbbell base, turn both adjustment knobs to the number 2.5. You will know you have fully and cor- rectly selected the number when you feel the adjust- ment knob settle into a notch (known as a detent). You will also hear a slight, but audible, clicking noise
that corresponds with the detent locations for each number.
2.You should be able to withdraw the handle from the base leaving all the weight plates behind.
3.With the handle removed from the base, grab one adjustment knob with your other hand and gently attempt to turn the knob, the knob should not rotate. A locking pin in the mechanism will have engaged the rotational assembly when the unit was withdrawn from the base. Perform this test with all adjustment knobs.
Do not use a great deal of force in an attempt to turn the locked adjustment knob. Excessive force may damage the locking mechanism.
4.After confirming the proper function of the lock- ing mechanism as described above, return and fully insert the dumbbell handle back into the base assembly.
5.With the handle back in the base, turn the adjustment knob on one side to a position that is in between two weight settings This represents an incomplete weight selection where the adjustment knob has not fully selected a weight and the knob is between the selec- tion detents (clicks).
6.With the selection knob in this improper position, gen- tly attempt to lift up on the handle to remove it from the base. You should find that the handle is locked to the base and cannot be removed with light pressure as it can nor- mally.
7.Return the improperly selected
adjustment knob to a full and proper weight selection and assure that the dumbbell handle can once again be removed.
8.Repeat this test for all adjustment knobs.
9.Assure the entire dumbbell handle assembly is properly tightened. Do this by setting the adjust- ment knobs to five pounds and removing the handle assembly from the base. Grab both adjustment knobs and very slightly push and pull the knobs toward and away from the handle grip. The knobs should not exhibit free play and all of the selection discs should feel tightly connected.
10.You have now tested the function of the locking mechanism. We suggest you repeat this test periodi- cally (once a month) to confirm the proper function of the locking mechanism.