Shoulder Exercises
Crossover Rear Deltoid Rows – Elbow Flexion
Muscles worked:
Back portion of shoulder muscles (rear deltoids, rear portion of middle deltoids).
Standing – facing machine
Hand Grips
Center Cross Bar – narrow position
BeforeYou Begin:
Remove Leg Extension and seat. Center Cross Bar Pulleys should be in narrow position.
Key Points:
•Maintain a 90º angle between upper arms and sides of torso.
•Keep shoulder blades pinched together and maintain good spinal alignment.
•To work one arm at a time, place non- working hand on top of bench for additional stabilization.
•Stand on platform.
•Cross arms in front of body and grasp hand grips (right grip in left hand and vice versa) with palms facing down and arms nearly straight.
•Bend over slightly from hips (not spine) and raise arms in front of body, 90º to torso.
•Lift chest, stand up straight with spine in good alignment and tighten trunk muscles.
•Allowing arms to bend as you go, move elbows outward and backward keeping a 90º angle between upper arms and sides of torso.
•Always point forearms in the direction of cables.
•Move until elbows are slightly behind shoulders, then slowly reverse motion. Keep rear shoulder muscles tightened during entire motion.
Crossover High Rear Deltoid Rows – Elbow Flexion
Muscles worked:
Back portion of shoulder muscles (rear deltoids, rear portion of middle deltoids).
Standing – facing machine
Hand Grips
Lat Tower
BeforeYou Begin:
Remove Leg Extension and seat.
Key Points:
•Keep shoulder blades pinched together and maintain good spinal alignment.
•Stand on platform, with knees slightly bent.
•Cross arms and grab hand grips with palms facing down, arms straight (right hand on left hand grip and vice versa).
•Stand up straight and slightly lean back from hips.
•Lift chest and pinch shoulder blades together.
•Allowing arms to bend as you go, move elbows out and back keeping a 90º angle between upper arms and sides of torso.
•Always point forearms in direc- tion of cables.
•Move until elbows are slightly behind shoulders, then slowly reverse motion. Keep rear shoulder muscles tightened.
Bowflex Xceed™ Owner’s Manual | 23 |
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