Back Exercises
Standing Shoulder Pullover – with Bent Lat Bar (Elbows Stabilized)
Muscles worked:
Upper back (latissimus dorsi, teres major, rear deltoid muscles). Also involves chest (pectoralis major muscles) and triceps.
Standing – facing machine
50” Bent Lat Bar
Lat Tower
BeforeYou Begin:
Remove Seat and Leg Extension
Key Points:
•Do not lose spinal alignment. Relax neck, keep chest lifted, abs tight and maintain a very slight arch in lower back.
•Keep lats tightened throughout entire motion.
•Release shoulder blades at end of each rep. Initiate new rep by depressing shoulder blades.
•Stand on platform.
•Keep knees slightly bent and feet flat on platform.
•Extend arms overhead and grasp 50” Bent Lat Bar, palms facing down.
•Tighten abs to stabilize spine while maintaining a slight arch in lower back.
•Move hands in an arc down toward legs.
•End with arms by sides, pressing shoulder blades down, completely tightening lats.
•Control the return to start position by slowly moving arms overhead and releasing shoulder blades.
Standing Shoulder Pullover – with Hand Grips (Elbows Stabilized)
Muscles worked:
Upper back (latissimus dorsi, teres major, rear deltoid muscles). Also involves chest (pectoralis major muscles)and triceps.
Standing – facing machine
Hand Grips
Lat Tower
BeforeYou Begin:
Remove Seat and Leg Extension:
Key Points:
•Do not lose spinal alignment. Relax neck, keep chest lifted, abs tight and maintain a very slight arch in lower back.
•Keep lats tightened throughout entire motion.
•Release shoulder blades at end of each rep. Initiate new rep by depressing shoulder blades.
•Stand on platform.
•Keep knees slightly bent and feet flat on platform.
•Extend arms overhead and grasp Hand Grips, palms facing down.
•Tighten abs to stabilize spine while maintaining a slight arch in lower back.
•Move hands in an arc down toward legs.
•End with arms by sides, pressing shoulder blades down, completely tightening lats.
•Control the return to start position by slowly moving arms overhead and releasing shoulder blades.
30Bowflex Xceed™ Owner’s Manual
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