Back Exercises
Seated Lat Rows – Shoulder Extension (and Elbow Flexion)
Muscles worked:
Latissimus dorsi, teres major and rear deltoid muscles, which make up the large pulling muscles of upper back. Also involves biceps.
Seated on ground, facing machine
Hand Grips
Squat Pulley Frame
BeforeYou Begin:
Remove Leg Extension and Seat
Key Points:
•Do not bend torso forward at any point.
•Do not lose spinal alignment – keep chest lifted.
•Release shoulder blades at end of each rep and initiate new rep by pinching shoulder blades.
•Grab hand grips with palms facing each other.
•Place heels against end of plat- form, bend knees comfortably.
•Sit up straight with spine in good alignment.
•Pinch shoulder blades together.
•Pull upper arms down and back, brushing past sides of the body while keeping forearms pointing in direction of cable.
•Slowly return to start position.
Crossover Seated Lat Rows – Shoulder Extension (and Elbow Flexion)
Muscles worked:
Latissimus dorsi, teres major and rear deltoid muscles, which make up large pulling muscles of upper back. Also involves biceps.
Seated on the ground, facing machine
Hand Grips
Squat Pulley Frame
BeforeYou Begin:
Remove Leg Extension
Key Points:
•Do not bend torso forward at any point.
•Do not lose spinal alignment, keep chest lifted.
•Release shoulder blades at end of each rep. Initiate new rep by pinching shoulder blades.
•Cross arms and grasp hand grips (right grip in left hand and vice versa) with palms facing each other.
•Place heels against end of plat- form, bend knees comfortably.
•Sit up straight, spine in good alignment.
•Pinch shoulder blades together.
•Pull upper arms down and back, brushing past sides of body while keeping forearms pointing in direction of cable.
•Slowly return to start position.
Bowflex Xceed™ Owner’s Manual | 33 |
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