Lift Actions and Functions:
Deploy (Extend): Lift deploy- ment is the action of the lift plat- form carriage assembly extend- ing (moving outward) from the housing and lowering to ground level when the DOWN switch is activated or raising to floor level when the UP switch is activated.
Stow (Retract): Stow is the action of the lift platform and car- riage assembly retracting (moving inward) into the lift housing. Dur- ing the stow function, the platform will automatically raise or lower to stow level before retracting into the housing.
DOWN - Platform Lower: Down is the action of the platform lower- ing from stow or floor level posi-
Lift Terminology
tion to
DOWN - Outer Barrier Un- fold (Down) - When the plat- form reaches the
UP - Outer Barrier Fold (Raise): From ground level, the UP func- tion automatically raises (rotates) the actuator activated outer bar- riers to the upright (vertical) posi- tion before the platform raises.
UP - Platform Raise: Up is the action of the platform raising from stow level or ground level to floor
Note: The lift platform will not raise if the outer barriers are not in the upright (vertical) position. This is a built in safety feature.
Stow Level: Stow level is the height that the platform and car- riage assembly moves in and moves out of the lift housing.
Floor Level: Floor level is the height that the platfom and car- riage assembly raises to in order for the wheelchair passenger to enter and exit the vehicle (fully raised position).
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