4 portions


1 petite tomate

1 petit oignon, pelé et paré

2 carottes

1 poivron vert, égrené

15 g (1 c. à soupe) de beurre

1 c. à soupe de farine de blé entier

375 ml (13 oz) de bouillon de légumes

425 g (15 oz) de haricots blancs en conserve

1 paquet de nouilles instantanées Poivre noir fraîchement moulu


1.Traiter la tomate, l’oignon, les carottes et le poivron dans l’extracteur de jus.

2.Dans une grande casserole, faire fondre le beurre à feu moyen.

3.Ajouter la farine, cuire 1 min en remuant constamment.

4.Verser le jus extrait, le bouillon de légumes et les fèves.

5.Porter à ébullition, réduire le feu et laisser mijoter 10 min.

6.Ajouter les nouilles, cuire 2 min ou jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient tendres.

Verser dans 4 bols à soupe, saupoudrer de poivre noir au goût et servir immédiatement.


4 portions


4 tomates moyennes

4 tiges de persil frais

1 grosse gousse d’ail, pelée

1 petit oignon, pelé et paré

2 carottes

2 branches de céleri

1 poivron rouge, égrené

1 concombre libanais

2 c. à soupe de vinaigre de vin rouge Poivre noir fraîchement moulu

1 tasse de glace concassée ¾ tasse de basilic frais haché


1.Traiter les tomates, le persil, l’ail, l’oignon, les carottes, le céleri, le poivron et le concombre dans l’extracteur de jus.

2.Ajouter le vinaigre et le poivre.

3.Disposer la glace dans 4 bols à soupe

Verser le jus extrait, saupoudrer de basilic et servir immédiatement.


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Breville BJE510XL manual Soupe AUX Légumes Frais & Nouilles, Gazpacho

BJE510XL specifications

The Breville BJE510XL Juicer, also known as the Dual Disc Juice Extractor, is a top-rated appliance designed to provide a premium juicing experience. Its stylish design and high-performance capabilities make it a favorite among health-conscious consumers looking to incorporate fresh juice into their diets.

One of the standout features of the BJE510XL is its powerful 900-watt motor. This robust engine enables the juicer to extract juice from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including tough root vegetables and dense greens. The dual disc technology enhances the efficiency of the juicing process by utilizing both a stainless-steel cutting disc for shredding and a mesh filter for maximum juice extraction. This innovative approach allows for quicker results with less oxidation, preserving the nutrients in the juice.

The juicer also offers five variable speed settings, giving users flexibility in adjusting the speed according to the juicing task at hand. With speeds ranging from low to high, users can opt for a gentle extraction for softer fruits or a more aggressive approach for harder vegetables. This feature not only maximizes juice yield but also allows for greater versatility in the types of produce that can be used.

Another key technology in the Breville BJE510XL is its large 3-inch feed chute. This wide opening allows users to process whole fruits and vegetables without the need for extensive pre-cutting, saving time and effort. This convenience is especially beneficial for those leading busy lifestyles, making it easier to incorporate fresh juices into daily routines.

The juicer is designed with ease of use in mind. Its easy-to-clean components are dishwasher-safe, making cleanup a breeze. The safety locking arm prevents the juicer from operating unless everything is securely in place, ensuring user safety during operation.

Additionally, the BJE510XL features a built-in froth separator, which helps to achieve a smoother juice consistency by minimizing the foam that can develop during extraction. This adds a professional touch to the juicing process, allowing users to enjoy a more refined beverage.

Overall, the Breville BJE510XL Juicer combines advanced technology, user-friendly design, and powerful performance. Its commitment to quality and functionality makes it an excellent choice for anyone passionate about juicing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.