enabling switch 95
limitations with configdownload command 78
merging switch with fabric 95
re-joining switch to fabric 95
saving 95
using configdownload command 95
description 24
configurations supported 48
saving port mappings 49
tests 48
daisy chaining 89
DCC policy
adding WWN 77
enabling 77
limitation creating TA 78
default area, removing ports 78
device load balancing 59
device load balancing policy
APC policy 63
considerations 63
disabling 63
enabling 62
trunking 63, 81
device mapping
adding a secondary N_Port 70
considerations 45
disabling 42
enabling 43
failover 69
feature overview 37
pre-provisioning 43
removing secondary N_Port 70
static vs. dynamic mapping 40
to port group 41
to ports 42
VMware configuration 44
VMware considerations 44
attaching multiple devices 89
disabling switch
switchDisable 95
domain,Index 76
downgrading 78
downgrading considerations 55, 56
duplicate PWWWN handling during login 84
dynamic vs. static mapping 40
EEdge switch
long distance mode setting 93
settings 93
end to end monitors 86
ensure port online state 47
adding external port on embedded switch 46
description 24
mapping, example 29
maximum number mapped to N_Port 46
settings, Edge switch 93
shared area ports 76
trunking setup 76
compatibility 93
inband queries 93
join 95
logins 93
management server platform 93
zoning scheme 93
Fabric OS features supported 17
Fabric OS management server platform service
settings 93
failback policy
upgrade and downgrade considerations 74
failback policy example 66, 72
device mapping 69
failover example 66
failover policy
behavior 66
configurations for port mapping 66
enabling 71
example 66, 72
port mapping 66
fast write limitation 78
FICON, F_Port trunk ports 78
Flow Monitor 85
Flow Vision 85
frame monitors 86
HHA sync, TA present 78
100 Access Gateway Administrator's Guide