Renaming a port group
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the ag --pgrename command with the appropriate options to rename a port group. In the
following example, port group 2 is renamed to MyEvenFabric.
switch:admin> ag --pgrename 2 MyEvenFabric
Port Group 2 has been renamed as MyEvenFabric successfully
Disabling the Port Grouping policyThe Port Grouping (PG) policy is enabled by default for Access Gateway. To disable this policy, use the
following steps.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the ag --policydisable pg command to disable the Port Grouping policy.
Port Grouping policy modesYou can enable and disable the Automatic Login Balancing and Managed Fabric Name Monitoring
(MFNM) Port Grouping policy modes when you create port groups using the pgcreate command.
Alternately, you can enable these modes using the ag --pgsetmodes command.
Automatic Login Balancing mode
If Automatic Login Balancing mode is enabled for a port group and an F_Port goes offline, logins in the
port group are redistributed among the remaining F_Ports. Similarly, if an N_Port comes online, port
logins in the port group are redistributed to maintain a balanced N_Port-to-F_Port ratio.
Consider the following notes about Automatic Login Balancing mode:
• Automatic Login Balancing mode is disruptive. However, you can minimize disruption by disabling or
enabling rebalancing of F_Ports on F_Port offline events or N_Port online events.
• You must explicitly enable Automatic Login Balancing on a port group.
• If an N_Port is deleted from a port group enabled for Automatic Login Balancing mode, the F_Ports
mapped to that N_Port stay with the port group as long as there are other N_Ports in the group. Only
the specified N_Port is removed from the port group. This is because the F_Ports are logically
associated with the port groups that are enabled for Automatic Login Balancing mode. This is not the
case for port groups not enabled for Automatic Login Balancing mode. When you delete an N_Port
from one of these port groups, the F_Ports that are mapped to the N_Port move to PG0 along with
the N_Port. This is because the F_Ports are logically associated with the N_Ports in port groups not
enabled for Automatic Login Balancing mode.
Managed Fabric Name Monitoring mode
When enabled, Managed Fabric Name Monitoring (MFNM) mode queries the fabric name at a specific
time period. If it detects an inconsistency, for example all the N_Ports within a port group are not
physically connected to the same physical or virtual fabric, it generates a RASLOG message. In
"default" mode, a message is logged into RASLOG. In "managed" mode, automatic failover is disabled
for all N_Ports within the N_Port group, and a message is logged into RASLOG about multiple fabrics.
Enable or disable MFNM mode on a port group using the steps under Enabling MFNM mode on page
61 and Disabling MFNM mode on page 61. In both default and managed mode, the system queries
the fabric name once every 120 seconds. You can configure the monitoring timeout value to something
Renaming a port group
Access Gateway Administrator's Guide 59