9. Enter the switchShow command to display the status and port state of all ports. Refer to the Fabric
OS Command Reference for examples of output. For a description of the port state, refer to Table 5
on page 28.
When you disable AG mode, the switch automatically reboots and comes back online using the
fabric switch configuration; the AG parameters, such as port mapping, and Failover and Failback,
are automatically removed. When the switch reboots, it starts in Fabric OS Native mode. To rejoin
the switch to the core fabric, refer to Rejoining Fabric OS switches to a fabric on page 95.
10.Enter the switchDisable command to disable the switch.
switch:admin> switchdisable
11.Enter the ag command with the --modedisable option to disable AG mode.
switch:admin> ag --modedisable
12.Enter the ag --modeshow command to verify that AG mode is disabled.
switch:admin> ag --modeshow
Access Gateway mode is NOT enabled
Port state description
Refer to the following table to know the port state.
Port state description TABLE 5
State Description
No _Card No interface card present
No _Module No module (GBIC or other) present
Mod_Val Module validation in process
Mod_Inv Invalid module
No_Light Module is not receiving light
No_Sync Receiving light but out of sync
In_Sync Receiving light and in sync
Laser_Flt Module is signaling a laser fault
Port_Flt Port marked faulty
Diag_Flt Port failed diagnostics
Lock_Ref Locking to the reference signal
Testing Running diagnostics
Offline Connection not established (only for virtual ports)
Online Port is up and running

Port state description

28 Access Gateway Administrator's Guide