3. Enter the ag --failoverenable N_Port command to enable failover.
switch:admin> ag --failoverenable 13
Failover policy is enabled for port 13
4. Enter the ag --failoverdisable N_Port command to disable failover.
switch:admin> ag --failoverdisable 13
Failover policy is disabled for port 13
Enabling and disabling the Failover policy for a port group
The Failover policy can be enabled on a port group. Use the following steps to enable or disable the
failover on all the N_Ports belonging to the same port group.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the ag --failoverenable -pg pgid command to enable failover.
switch:admin> ag --failoverenable -pg 3
Failover policy is enabled for port group 3
3. Enter the ag --failoverdisable -pg pgid command to disable failover.
switch:admin> ag --failoverdisable -pg 3
Failover policy is disabled for port group 3
Upgrade and downgrade considerations for the Failover policy
Consider the following when upgrading or downgrading Fabric OS versions:
• Downgrading to Fabric OS v6.4.0 or earlier is supported.
• Upgrading from Fabric OS v6.4.0 to v7.1.0 or downgrading from Fabric OS v7.1.0 to v6.4.0 will not
change failover settings.
Failback policyThe Failback policy provides a means for hosts that have failed over to automatically reroute back to
their intended mapped N_Ports when these N_Ports come back online. The Failback policy is an
attribute of an N_Port and is enabled by default when a port is locked to the N_Port.
Only the originally mapped F_Ports fail back. In the case of multiple N_Port failures, only F_Ports that
were mapped to a recovered N_Port experience failback. The remaining F_Ports are not redistributed.
For port mapping, the Failback policy must be enabled on an N_Port for failback to occur. For device
mapping, the Failback policy has no effect. If a device is mapped to a port group, it will always fail over
to an online N_Port in the port group (or secondary N_Port if configured) and will remain connected to
this failover N_Port when the original N_Port comes back online.
If failover and failback policy are disabled, an F_Port mapped to an N_Port will go offline when the
N_Port goes offline and it will go online when the N_Port comes online.
Enabling and disabling the Failover policy for a port group
Access Gateway Administrator's Guide 71