FIGURE 4 Diagnostic port configurations
The table below shows a comparison of port configurations between AG and a standard fabric switch.
Port configurationsTABLE 4
Port type Available on Access Gateway? Available on Fabric switch?
F_Port Yes Connects hosts and targets to Access
Yes Connects devices, such as hosts, HBAs, and
storage to the fabric.
N_Port Yes Connects Access Gateway to a fabric
N/A N_Ports are not supported.
E_Port N/A ISL is not supported. Yes Connects the switch to other switches to
form a fabric.
D_Port Yes Allows diagnostic testing across link to
connected AG switch, fabric switch, or
Yes Allows diagnostic testing across link to
connected AG switch.
Access Gateway hardware considerations
Hardware considerations for Access Gateway are as follows:
Access Gateway is supported on the switch platforms and embedded switch platforms listed in
Supported hardware and software on page 11.
Loop devices are not supported.
Direct connections to SAN target devices are only supported if the AG-enabled module is
connected to a fabric.
3The switch is logically transparent to the fabric, therefore it does not participate in the SAN as a fabric switch.

Access Gateway hardware considerations

26 Access Gateway Administrator's Guide