Changes made for Fabric OS 7.3.0a
The following content is new or significantly revised from 53-1003126-01 for this release of this
• Updated Key terms for Access Gateway on page 12.
Key terms for Access GatewayFor definitions of SAN-specific terms, visit the Storage Networking Industry Association online
dictionary at:
For definitions specific to Brocade and Fibre Channel, refer to the Brocade Glossary .
The following terms are used in this manual to describe Access Gateway mode and its components.
Fabric OS mode for switches that reduces storage area network (SAN)
deployment complexity by leveraging N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV).
(ADS) policy
Advanced Device Security (ADS) is a security policy that restricts access to
the fabric at the AG level to a set of authorized devices.
Device Any host or target device with a distinct WWN. Devices may be physical or
D_Port A port configured as a diagnostic port on an AG switch, connected fabric
switch, or connected cascaded AG switch to run diagnostic tests between
the ports and test the link.
E_Port An interswitch link (ISL) port. A switch port that connects switches together
to form a fabric.
Edge switch A fabric switch that connects host, storage, or other devices, such as
Brocade Access Gateway, to the fabric.
A fabric system consists of interconnected nodes that look like a single
logical unit when viewed collectively. This refers to a consolidated high-
performance network system consisting of coupled storage devices,
networking devices and parallel processing high bandwidth interconnects
such as 4-Gbps, 8-Gbps, 10-Gbps, and 16-Gbps Fibre channel ports.
F_Port A fabric port. A switch port that connects a host, host bus adapter (HBA), or
storage device to the SAN. On Brocade Access Gateway, the F_Port
connects to a host or a target.
FCoE Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) refers to a network technology that
encapsulates Fibre Channel frames over Ethernet networks. This allows
Fibre Channel to use 10-Gigabit Ethernet or higher speed networks while
preserving the Fibre Channel protocol.
Mapping In Access Gateway, mapping defines the routes between devices or
F_Ports to the fabric facing ports (N_Ports).
N_Port A node port. A Fibre Channel host or storage port in a fabric or point-to-point
connection. On Brocade Access Gateway, the N_Port connects to the Edge
Key terms for Access Gateway
12 Access Gateway Administrator's Guide