Numerics |
5, 36 | |
A |
Accessories ................................................... | 4 |
optional .................................................... | 4 |
Appliqués ................................................... | 41 |
B |
Blind hem stitching ..................................... | 30 |
Blind stitch foot ........................................... | 42 |
Bobbin winding .......................................... | 13 |
Button sewing ............................................. | 39 |
Buttonhole |
adjusting ................................................ | 38 |
making ................................................... | 36 |
Buttonhole | 38 |
C |
Cleaning .................................................... | 43 |
Connecting plugs .......................................... | 6 |
D |
Darning ...................................................... | 41 |
Decorative stitching .................................... | 35 |
Double action stitching ............................... | 33 |
Drawing up the lower thread ....................... | 22 |
E |
Elastic stitching ........................................... | 32 |
F |
Fabric, thread, and needle combinations ....... | 24 |
Fagoting ..................................................... | 33 |
Feather stitching .......................................... | 35 |
Feed dog position switch ............................. | 13 |
Feed dogs ................................................... | 13 |
Flat bed attachment ....................................... | 5 |
Foot controller .............................................. | 7 |
27 | |
G |
Gathering ................................................... | 41 |
H |
Handwheel ................................................. | 18 |
L |
Light switch .................................................. | 7 |
Lower threading .......................................... | 16 |
16, 22 | |
M |
Main parts .................................................... | 5 |
Main power .................................................. | 7 |
Maintenance .............................................. | 43 |
N |
Needle |
checking .................................................. | 7 |
combinations with fabric and thread ......... | 24 |
replacing .................................................. | 7 |
Needle threader .......................................... | 21 |
O |
Overedge stitching ...................................... | 34 |
P |
Pattern selection dial .................................... | 9 |
Patterns ..................................................... | 10 |
Presser foot changing .................................... | 8 |
Q |
16, 22 | |
R |
Race cleaning ............................................ | 43 |
Reverse sewing lever .................................. | 13 |
S |
Satin stitch ................................................. | 30 |
Shell tuck stitching ..................................... | 32 |
Spool cap ............................................ | 14, 19 |
Spool pin ................................................... | 18 |
extra ...................................................... | 28 |
Stitch length dial ........................................ | 12 |
Stitch width dial ......................................... | 12 |
Stitches |
30 | |
names .................................................... | 10 |
Straight stitching ......................................... | 30 |
Stretch stitching ............................................ | 9 |
T |
Thread cutter ............................................. | 26 |
Thread tension ........................................... | 29 |
Threading |
lower ..................................................... | 16 |
needle threader ...................................... | 21 |
twin needle ............................................ | 28 |
upper ..................................................... | 18 |
Triple zigzag stretch stitching ...................... | 35 |
Troubleshooting ......................................... | 45 |
Twin needle |
attaching ............................................ | 8, 27 |
sewing ................................................... | 27 |
U |
Upper tension control dial ........................... | 29 |
Upper threading ......................................... | 18 |
Z |
Zigzag stitching .......................................... | 30 |
Zipper insertion .......................................... | 40 |