Driver and Software
Software for networks (For
BRAdmin Light
BRAdmin Light is a utility for initial setup of Brother network connected devices. This utility can search for | 3 |
Brother products on your network, view the status and configure basic network settings, such as IP address. |
The BRAdmin Light utility is available for Windows® 2000/XP, Windows Vista® and Windows Server®
2003/2008 and Mac OS X 10.3.9 (or greater) computers. For installing BRAdmin Light on Windows®, please see the Quick Setup Guide we provided with the machine. For Macintosh users, BRAdmin Light will be installed automatically when you install the printer driver. If you have already installed the printer driver, you do not have to install it again.
For more information on BRAdmin Light, visit us at http://solutions.brother.com/.
BRAdmin Professional 3 (for Windows®)
BRAdmin Professional 3 is a utility for more advanced management of network connected Brother devices. This utility can search for Brother products on your network and view the device status from an easy to read explorer style window that changes colour identifying the status of each device. You can configure network
and device settings along with the ability to update device firmware from a Windows® computer on your LAN. BRAdmin Professional 3 can also log activity of brother devices on your network and export the log data in an HTML, CSV, TXT or SQL format.
For users who want to monitor locally connected printers, install the BRPrint Auditor software on the client PC. This utility allows you to monitor printers that are connected to a client PC via USB or parallel from BRAdmin Professional 3.
For more information and downloading, visit us at http://solutions.brother.com/.
Web BRAdmin (for Windows®)
Web BRAdmin is a utility for managing network connected Brother devices on your LAN and WAN. This utility can search for Brother products on your network, view the status and configure the network settings. Unlike
BRAdmin Professional 3, which is designed for Windows® only, Web BRAdmin is a server based utility that can be accessed from any client PC with a web browser that supports JRE (Java Runtime Environment). By
installing the Web BRAdmin server utility on a computer running IIS 1, connect to the Web BRAdmin server, which then communicates with the device itself.
For more information and downloading, visit us at http://solutions.brother.com/.
1Internet Information Server 4.0 or Internet Information Services 5.0/5.1/6.0/7.0