Printing Received FaxesDifficulty Suggestions
Condensed print and white streaks
across the page or the top and
bottom of sentences are cut off.
You probably had a bad connection, with st atic or interferenc e on the telephone
line. Ask the other par ty to send the fax ag ain.
Vertical black lines when receiving. The sender's scanner may be dirty. Ask the sender to make a copy to see if the
problem is with the se nding machine. Try receiving from an other fax machine .
Received color fax prin ts only in
black and white.
Replace the color ink cartridges that are empty or nearly empty, and then ask the
other person to send the color fax again. (See Replacing the ink cartridges on
page 93.)
Left and Right margins a re cut off or
a single page is printed on two
Turn on Auto Reduction. (See Printing a reduced inc oming fax on page 33.)
Phone Line or ConnectionsDifficulty Suggestions
Dialing does not work. (No dial
Check that the machine is plugged in and switched on.
Check all line cord connection.
Change Tone/Pulse setting. (See Quick Setup Guide.)
If an external phone is connected to the machine, send a manual fax by lif ting the
handset of the external phone and dialling the number. Wait to hear fax receiving
tone before pressing Black Start or Color Start.
The machine does not answer
when called.
Make sure the machine is in the correct receiving mode for your setup. (See
Receive modes on page 30.) Check for a dial tone. If possible, call your mach ine
to hear it answer. If th ere is still no answ er, check the tele phone line cord
connection. If there is no ringing when you call your machine, ask your telephone
company to check the line.
Receiving FaxesDifficulty Suggestions
Cannot receive a fax Make sure the machine is in the correct receiving mode for your setup. (See
Receive modes on page 30.)
If you often have interferen ce on the phone line, try changing the menu se tting of
Compatibility to Basic. (See Phone line interference on page 93.)
Sending FaxesDifficulty Suggestions
Cannot send a fax Make sure that the Fax key is illuminated. (See Entering Fax mode on
page 24.)
Ask the other party to check that the receiving machine has paper.
Print the Transmission Verification Report and check for an error. (See Reports on
page 48.)