Printouts are too light. If this problem occurs wh en making copies or printing re ceived faxes, turn Toner
Save mode to off in the machine men u settings. (See Toner save on page 21.)
Set Toner Save mode to off in the A dvanced tab in the printer dri ver. (See
Advanced tab in the Software User’s Guide on the CD-ROM.)
Network DifficultiesDifficulties Suggestions
Cannot print over a wired Network . Make sure your mach ine is powered on and is on-l ine and in Ready mode. Pr int
the Network Configura tion list to see yo ur current Netwo rk settings. (See How to
print a report on page 67.) Reconnect the LAN cable to the hub to verify that the
cabling and network connections are good. If possible, try connecting the
machine to a different port on your hub using a different cable. If the connections
are good, the upper LED of the back panel of the machine will be green.
If you are using a wireless connection or are having Network problems see the
Network User's Guide on the CD-ROM for more information.
The network scanning fe ature
does not work. (For Windows® only) The firewall setting on your PC may be rejecting the
necessary network co nnection. Follow th e instructions bel ow to configure th e
firewall. If you are usi ng any other than th e firewalls mention ed below, see the
instructions for that software or contact the software manufac turer.
<Windows® XP SP2>
1. Click the Start button, ‘Set tings’, ‘Control Pa nel’ and then ‘Windo ws
Firewall’. Make sure that Wi ndows Firewall on the ‘Basic ’ tab is set to on.
2. Click the ‘Exceptions’ tab a nd ‘Add port’ button .
3. Enter any name, port numbe r (54295 for network scanning and 5492 6 for
network PC-Fax receiving), select ‘UPD’ and click ‘OK’.
4. Make sure if the new sett ing is added and is c hecked, and then cl ick ‘OK’.
For Windows® XP SP1, please visit the Brother Solutions Center.
The network PC-Fax Receive
feature does not work.
Your computer cannot find your
machine. <For Windows® users>
The firewall setting on your PC may be reje cting the necessa ry network
connection. For detail, see the instruction above.
<For Macintosh® users>
Re-select your machine in the DeviceSelec tor application loc ated in Macintosh
HD/Library/Printers/Brother/Utiliti es or from the model of Con trolCenter2.
Print Quality Difficulties (Continued)Difficulties Suggestions