DirectPrinting and
ExternalFlash Control
Besidesadding PictBridge, as with the EOS-1D Mark III,
two featuresshared with the EOS 40D have also been
incorporated thatwork with all Canon printers that sup-
port PictBridge. First, printing effectssuch as B/W, Vivid,
Brightness, and Adjustlevels are now reflected in the
image displayed. Onlythe Face Brightener and Red-eye
Correction are notreflected in the displayed image.
Second, with the trimming screen displayed, turning the
QuickControl Dial will tilt the displayed image up to ±10
degreesin 0.5-degree increments.
AllPictBridge-compatible Canon printers can now be
used to setthe Brightness, Adjust levels, Contrast, Color
saturation, Color tone, and Color balance (exceptfor
Face Brightener and Red-eye Correction). Previously, this
waspossible only with the Canon PIXMA Pro9500 and Pro9000. Compatibility with Face
Brightener and Red-eye Correction dependson the printer type.
When printing sRAWimages through direct printing, the JPEG image will be used to
make the print. The pixelcount for the JPEG image and the sRAW image is the same. For
RAW+JPEG images, the RAWimage will be used to make the print. For sRAW+JPEG
images, the JPEG image willbe used to make the print. Note that if the JPEG image size
issmall, print size should be limited appropriately. Finally, a RAW image taken byanother
cameracannot be printed via direct printing. Since the RAW image processing method
and imagingprocessor differ amongcameras, compatibility cannot be ensured.
The [Zoom] and [Wirelessset.] flash functions have
been added. These settingsmakeit easier to view,
summarize and setcomplicated wireless set-ups. As
on the EOS40D, one can now set all wireless flash
settingswith the camera’s LCD monitor instead of the
master Speedlite when the 580EXII is used. All exter-
nalflash function settings and external flash Custom
Functionssettings other than these are the same as
the EOS-1D MarkIII’s.
Printing EffectsReflected in
the Displayed Image