Picture Style Editor
The QuickCheck tool function has been improved
with the addition ofan [Information] button that
displaysthe Shooting Information window; the
controlbuttons have been rearranged to match
more closelythe way they are actually used. Also,
whereasthe only enlargement ratio available in
the enlarged displaywas 50% in ver.3.1, the
specificationshave now been improved so that
either 50% or 100% can be selected in the
[Preferences] window.
Picture Style Editor Ver.1.1 isalso included on Digital Solution DiskVer.16. In brief,
Picture Style Editor issoftware that allows users to create their own Picture Style files
byselecting and loading a sample RAW image and then adjusting the image charac-
teristicsbased on one of the existing Picture Style settings (Standard, Portrait,
Landscape, Neutralor Faithful, but not Monochrome). The created Picture Style file
can then be registered in the camera using EOSUtility, or used in the DPP or RAW Image
There isonly one change in Picture Style Editor from ver.1.0: the range of sample images
available for adjustmenthas been expanded to include RAW images shot on all EOS
Digitalcameras (EOS D30 to EOS-1Ds Mark III. This includesEOS D6000 and D2000
RAWimages that were converted using .CR2 Converter to RAW images with the “.CR2”
extension.) Thereareno functionalchanges.
Notethatthere are some cameras that are not supported by and cannot be used with
WindowsVista: the EOS-1Ds, EOS-1D, EOS10D, EOS Digital Rebel/300D DIGITAL, EOSD60
and the EOSD30. Also,whilethe following cameras are compatible with WindowsVista
for 32-bitsystems, they are not compatible with Vista for 64-bit systems: the EOS-1D
MarkII N,EOS-1Ds Mark II, EOS-1D Mark II, EOS 5D, EOS20D and the EOS Digital Rebel
QuickCheck Window