resultsare applied in real time to the image displayed in the [Lens aber-
ration correction] window. One can then checkthe effects of distortion
and peripheralillumination on the entire displayed image. One can also
enlarge a section ofthe image to check for chromatic aberration or color
blur byclicking in the section to be checked. That section then appears
enlarged to 200% in the top rightcorner of the [Lens aberration correc-
tion] window, allowing one to checkthe effects in detail.
Ifone is not happy with the results of the corrections performed by
DPP, one can use the slidersfor the different correction factors or the
shooting distance to make additionaladjustments. Also, one can
correct red chromatic aberrat ion with the [R] slider of the [Chromatic
aberration] or blue chromaticaberration with the [B] slider.
(Note thatcorrecting peripheral illumination
mayresult in noise appearing around the
image periphery. One maybe able to alleviate
thisnoise by using the DPP noise reduction
functions(luminance noise or chrominance
noise reduction). In some images, using
distortion correction may cause areasaround
the image peripheryto be deleted. Also
occasionally, color blur correction mayhave
no discernible effect.Finally, color blur
correction mayalso reduce color saturation
in some images.)
After completingthe corrections, clickthe [OK] button to
close the [Lensaberration correction] window. Atthat point,
the correctionsare applied to the image in the editwindow
and the corrections(ON or OFF) also appear in the tool palette.
The brightnesswarning display function has also been added.
Itis useful in preventing excessive adjustment and in checking
white flare or shadowing in images. One can use the
[Preferences] window to specifyseparate
settingsfor highlights and shadows in the
warning displayrange settings. If one selects
the [Highlight] or [Shadow] setting in the [View]
menu, highlightsthat exceed the specified
range are displayed in red and shadowsthat
exceed the range are displayed in blue in the
image in the Editor Edit Image window.
[NR/Lens] Tab in
the ToolPalette
LensAberration Correction Window
Warning DisplaySettings in
the PreferencesWindow
EditWindow (with Warnings Displayed)